From time to time we all have to travel on the road, via rail or in the air. Here is a list of gadgets that you can use if you like traveling. However, they are also very handy for if you do not like traveling. Sometimes even people who love the road will need a break from the monotony of driving, and sometimes people who enjoy visiting new places will need gadgets to hide their credit cards. Here are ten great gadgets you should seriously consider taking the next time you go traveling.
1. The iPad
The iPad can be loaded with apps so that if you are not the car driver then you can use the iPad as merrily as you like until the battery goes flat. It is also a nice distraction if the in-flight movie is not very good.
2. The Kindle
If you are on the road, train or in the air, you can read as much as you like. You do not need to carry around a library full of books when you can store as many as you like (within reason) on your kindle.
3. Binoculars
These are old fashioned and still sadly underused when people travel. Sure, you can use them when you get to your destination, but why not try them whilst you are traveling. You may miss many things when you are on the road or on a train. You can catch a few of those things if you take your binoculars. You may even find them a lot of fun to use on a plane, especially if you can see another aircraft.
4. A camera
Many people take their camera, but few think to keep it near them when they are traveling. The number of sights you see on the road or on a train may be few and far between, but every now and then you will see a car crash or a something funny in a field and wish you had your camera with you. Keep it with you at all time to make sure you get a snap of some of the interesting things you may otherwise miss.
5. A Smartphone and travel app
Your smartphone can be used for entertainment purposes, but why not use it as a satellite navigation system. There are also apps that will tell you where the nearest gas station is, where the nearest restaurant is, and when you next train or plane will arrive. Do not overlook the potential of your cute little phone.
6. The travel pillow
This is a time tested accessory of all travelers, be it plane or car, you need your travel pillow if you wish to have a cat nap on route. It is best not used on a train, since the people who fall asleep are the ones who end up being robbed.
7. A snuggie
This is really only useful if you are in a car or camper van, but is still good to have. It is warm and covers most of your body, which helps you sleep in the back seat. It is also good if the room heaters in your hotel are not efficient enough (you know, when they only heat the part of the room near the window).
8. A Nintendo DS
Little games consoles are a godsend if you are a passenger on a load road trip, and the Nintendo DS is the one you should take with you. The battery life is very good, the game play mechanics are often easy to use, the screen is bright and the item is so small that it can fit in almost anybody’s pocket. It is a great little boredom breaker.
9. Digital luggage scales
This is good for if you have to go on a plane and need to take a lot of luggage. It is even better for when you are coming home and wish to divide all of your purchases between your luggage, as most people come back with more items than they leave with.
10. Stealth undercover sleeve
This is a handy little device for traveling light, since you can put your phone and credit cards into it, so that you need not carry any items in a bag or in your pockets. It is a good place to put things that you are not going to use too often, such as your room key.
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