Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website With Reputation Management



In today’s business world, a company’s online reputation can dictate the success or failure of a new product. Where once traditional advertising and word-of-mouth were the main tools for launching a new line of products or services, new websites dedicated to customer reviews, social media influencers, and search engine optimization (SEO) have taken the place of effective public relations tools. While this may seem daunting for business owners looking to take control of their marketing initiatives, the good news is that a brand’s reputation is entirely in the business owner’s hands.

If you’re a business owner facing these challenges, you don’t have to feel helpless in emphasizing positive reviews or softening the impacts of negative reviews. New tools are available for empowering any business to own their reputation. In fact, the best way to control your company’s public perception is with proper reputation management. Here, we will look at five ways to increase traffic on your website with reputation management, and how this innovative concept can be the strongest tool in building your brand’s reputation and customer base.

1. Know your demographic.

Using reputation management to your advantage has two primary forms: either an online reputation management software platform or an online reputation management company. Both options provide a company with tools for data gathering and assessment. For example, social media profiles, blogs, and other sources provide potential customers with online reviews containing a wealth of information on a given company. From those online reviews, the company itself can assess their public perception and address customer expectation. In essence, managing your online reputation actually empowers you to learn about your demographic, ensuring your product’s success in meeting customer expectation and demand.

2. Connect with potential customers.

Finding your demographic is a valuable asset. However, today’s outlets for customer feedback are also unique in allowing business owners to directly communicate with their customers. If you’ve made it a point to monitor review sites for customer reviews and feedback, it’s a good idea to reach out and respond. Likewise, if influencers have dropped your brand name within recent blog posts, consider posting a gracious response. This gives your online presence a voice, and can help build trust between you and your demographic.

3. Learn from your competition.

While a good SEO strategy can make your company the first result in an online search, it’s to your benefit to research the other results. Pragmatically, customer feedback via review sites and blog posts can provide a fair share of valuable business intelligence regarding your competition. If a general keyword query in a search engine brings up similar businesses, take the time to do your research. Your competition’s positive reputation can be a valuable learning tool. Likewise, the negative feedback other companies have amassed can aid you in crafting positive content that hits the right demographic marks. Use this business intelligence strategy to ensure that any mentions of your brand exclusively work to build a positive online reputation.

4. Improve your product and outreach.

While reputation management is an easy way to gain insights into your online image, it’s important to take into account another amazing benefit: Product development. For example, if you begin your due diligence early enough, review management of social media platforms and customer feedback sources can be your first step towards designing and manufacturing the best possible product. Simply put, there is no better way to build a strong online reputation than by putting your best foot forward during the manufacturing stage.

5. Enhance your customer service.

Keep in mind that solid review management can also be a great way to maintain customer engagement long after your product has launched. If a company’s reputation is built upon both customer feedback and online perception, it’s a good idea to make customer service the third tenet of your reputation management solution. When taking all of your gathered feedback and data into account, be sure to refine your communications with customers and influencers. This will keep your online presence and visibility strong, while also increasing your chances for customer loyalty. Remember, the best way for any business to maintain a strong reputation is to earn it!

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