
How Do Autoclaves Work? – Sterilizing Hospital Waste And Medical Tools



Medical Tools

Credit: Pixabay

If you’re working in the healthcare industry, chances are you’ve already heard about autoclaves. But how do they work? Why do more and more hospitals use steam sterilizers?

Read on and find out how these machines can sterilize medical tools and certain types of medical waste!

How do autoclaves work? When did hospitals first start using them?

The appearance of the first autoclaves in the medical industry can be traced back all the way back to 1879 when a French microbiologist by the name of Charles Chamberland took it upon himself to invent a new, more reliable method to ensure the sterile conditions of surgical tools. The project was a success and by the early 20th century, more and more hospitals began using them to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections. Medical tools could be reused again without any infection risks to staff or patients.

But how do autoclaves work?

The same principle applies to the machines used in hospitals today. There’s a reason why they are also called steam sterilizers: autoclaves work by using high-pressure and high-temperature steam. The tools and waste to be treated can be loaded into the autoclave’s chamber, from which the air will be sucked out either by gravity displacement or a vacuum pump. After the sterilization cycle is over and the load inside is dry, medical waste can be thrown away like regular municipal waste, and medical tools can be reused again.

How do autoclaves sterilize medical tools and waste? Working in favor of hospital staff

The reason why autoclaves work so well at sterilizing hospital tools and waste is that they can increase the boiling point of water – in this case, steam – well over 100 degrees Celsius. During the sterilization cycle, the temperature of the steam ranges between 121 and 134 degrees Celsius. This not only reduces the time it takes for medical instruments to be sterile but allows autoclaves to kill heat-resistant bacteria as well.

Another reason why autoclaves work in favor of hospital staff and patients is that they can easily be installed on-site and incorporated as part of your medical waste management system. By being able to treat your waste on-site, you can greatly reduce the risks associated with storing and transporting waste that would otherwise require extreme care because of its infectious nature.

Now that you how autoclaves work – Which hospital sterilizer machine do you need?

Hospitals are large medical facilities that need to sterilize a great range of medical tools every day. For that reason alone, large-capacity steam sterilizers represent one of the best choices for hospitals. Depending on the area or the available space, a medium-sized machine can also be a good choice, either as a backup or as an on-site solution for operating theaters.

You should also know that when you look up “how do autoclaves work”, the answer is not the same for each machine. Class B steam sterilizers are the most advanced models – they are faster, easier to use, and equipped with energy-saving systems, but more importantly, they can sterilize more types of materials. Celitron’s hospital autoclave sterilizers are all class B machines, which is one of the main reasons behind this manufacturer.

All in all, regardless of size, make sure to check what types of materials you can sterilize with the autoclave – versatility should be the first thing to look out for when choosing a hospital autoclave.

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